A quantitative Analysis of Word Stress in LSA


  • buthaina shaheen tishreen university


Two different views are advanced with regards to the treatment of stress, the first contends that stress is a purely linguistic phenomenon. The second view goes to the other extreme where it assumes that stress is actually measurable. This study attempts to qualitatively analyze stress in Latakian Syrian Arabic. Conducting a statistical analysis to investigating stress in LSA may either yield results in support of the claim that stress can be measured, or it may give support to the treatment of stress from a linguistic view.


Three acoustic correlates: duration, pitch, and intensity were investigated to answer questions related to acoustic correlates, the effect of the position and type of heavy syllables on stress, and the difference between heavy and light syllables.


This quantitative phonetic study revealed interesting insights into this phenomenon, in particular there is a difference between heavy and light syllables, weight plays a role in stress, and not all correlates have a significant effect.




How to Cite

shaheen, buthaina. (2023). A quantitative Analysis of Word Stress in LSA. Tishreen University Journal- Arts and Humanities Sciences Series, 45(1), 153–160. Retrieved from https://journal.tishreen.edu.sy/index.php/humlitr/article/view/13561