A study of using stable alpha distributions to denoising images (stable Gaussian distribution for α =2)


  • Haya Ismail Tishreen university
  • Ahmad Alwasof Tishreen University
  • Wafaa Kanaan Tishreen University


In this work, we study the stable Alpha distributions, which are a rich class of probability distributions and for their importance entered into denoising images with the Daul-tree complex Wavelet Transform DT_CWT.

We present the wavelet transform method of characteristic functions of stable distributions for α=2 (Gaussian distribution) and moreover the maximum a posteriori estimator(MAP)method applied to estimate the parameters resulting of the Wavelet Transform of the characteristic function.

The function resulting from the wavelet transform , parameters and images were added to the noise which were implemented in MATLAB using the Peak Signal to Noise Ratio(PSNR). The test showed the effectiveness of our method by denoising of the resulting images, and the results of numerical comparisons with Cauchy distribution[9] and Bivariate distribution by Sendur and selesnick [11] and BM3D to the importance of our results in terms of their approach to the results of BM3D.



How to Cite

اسماعيل ه, أحمد الوسوف, وفاء كنعان. A study of using stable alpha distributions to denoising images (stable Gaussian distribution for α =2). TUJ-BA [Internet]. 2024Jun.8 [cited 2025Mar.7];46(2):53-6. Available from: https://journal.tishreen.edu.sy/index.php/bassnc/article/view/15779