Determining the mutual Interaction factor for Phonon-Exciton in AgBr crystal doped with copper


  • Nizar Shaaban Damascus University
  • Salahaldin Nouraldin Tartous University


The essential absorption edge of AgBr doped with copper is investigated and studied   as a function of  temperature, in the temperature range from 140 K to 490 K , and in the energy range from 2 eV to 3.5 eV. The mutual interaction factor  for phonon-  exciton in the crystal is calculated and compared the same factor of intrinsic AgBr .



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How to Cite

Shaaban N, Nouraldin S. Determining the mutual Interaction factor for Phonon-Exciton in AgBr crystal doped with copper. TUJ-BA [Internet]. 2021Jan.14 [cited 2025Mar.7];41(1). Available from: