The role of international laws in protecting women and children during armed conflicts


  • Mohammad deeb Tishreen University
  • Mohammad Maan Dayob Tishreen University
  • Zoulfikar abboud Tishreen University


The study aimed to clarify the role of international laws (international humanitarian law, international human rights law, international refugee law, international criminal law) in protecting women and children.

The descriptive, analytical and historical method was relied upon in the research, and the researcher relied on secondary data published in scientific and academic studies and research, and reports issued by international institutions, and on scientific research in this field. The

study reached a set of results, including:

The General Assembly gave children and women great attention in its charter, as what it provided in order to support women and children is very important and has a role in providing support and protection, but it remains deficient because it overlooked some important aspects that the Assembly had to provide In order for protection to be comprehensive for all aspects that affect the lives of women and children, especially refugees, the association must work hard to improve and activate a set of important items and rules that serve as a guarantee and protection for their lives and existence, and based on the foregoing, the researcher believes that children are among the groups The important ones that received the support and protection of Arab and international organizations as they represent a target group by all parties, due to the ability to control them, and the possibility of directing them and pushing them in the direction that could be chosen for them, and recruiting them in a way that serves and supports interests.

Some of the recommendations of the study were:

the necessity of monitoring cases of violence and harm inflicted on children and women in Syria and giving them adequate attention, and the necessity of granting protection, security and safety to women and children in Syria through the enactment of international laws and legislation that enable the preservation and preservation of these vulnerable groups.



How to Cite

ديب م., محمد معن ديوب, & ذو الفقار عبود. (2023). The role of international laws in protecting women and children during armed conflicts . Tishreen University Journal- Economic and Legal Sciences Series, 44(6), 181–193. Retrieved from