The Iranian Nuclear Deal And The Implications Of The American Withdrawal From It


  • eleen istanbuli Tishreen university
  • Afif Haidar Tishreen University
  • Shadi Sheheilah Tishreen University



The research presents an analysis of the Iranian nuclear file crisis, which constituted a constructive factor in international relations, and the research shows the stages the agreement went through until it was signed in the Swiss city of Lausanne in 2015. The research also shows the international positions on the nuclear agreement and the political, economic and scientific goals of the nuclear program, in addition to talking About the American withdrawal from the nuclear agreement, its causes and results, and the countries that objected, which supported this withdrawal, and finally, talk about the future of the agreement.



How to Cite

اسطنبولي إ, عفيف حيدر, شادي شهيلة. The Iranian Nuclear Deal And The Implications Of The American Withdrawal From It. Tuj-econ [Internet]. 2023Feb.28 [cited 2024Dec.28];44(6):313-25. Available from: