Narrative space and its relationship with heroes and characters In the novels of Walid Ikhlasi


  • Yaaqob AL Pitar
  • Zakoan AL Abdo
  • Hameeda Al_ Shekh Hossein


With the advent of the new novel theory, the place took a leading role in shaping the narrative discourse and in the formation of its spaces and other climates in a manner that exceeds - sometimes - the role of narration, time, and the traditional study of characters. Alan Rob Gryeh and the followers of the school of the new novel destroy time as a measure of the meaning of life, and replace it with the place because the presence of things in the place is clearer and firmer than its existence in time.

In the theory of the novel, the place introduces a major element that cannot be overlooked in any novel work, and we rarely find a definition of the novel that neglects the element of the place, because the characters need a place for their movement, and time needs a place in which to move and walk from it or to it, and events do not occur in the void and its narration is impossible if it is truncated and isolated From places, nothing takes place unless he finds something that creates his flow upon him, and whatever the narrative process is a spatial, psychological, political time ... etc. Attributed to him.



How to Cite

البيطار ي. ., العبدو ز. ., & حسين ح. ا. . (2020). Narrative space and its relationship with heroes and characters In the novels of Walid Ikhlasi. Latakia University Journal - Arts and Humanities Sciences Series, 42(5). Retrieved from