Epistemology and its Reslation ship with psychology


  • Ibrahim Razouk
  • Nagham Mahmoud


It is well known we have that there is a fundamental and important relationship between epistemology and various sciences natural and humanity, including «psychology» as these sciences wool sciences progress of epistemology one aspect of the subject of her research, thus expanding the field of research epistemology L. other areas, social and psychological check which epistemology goals basic. In this regard, the French epistemology «Gaston Bachelard» pointed out that epistemology can benefit from psychoanalysis in achieving the objectives of the analysis of scientific knowledge. The psychologist contemporary epistemology «Jean Piaget» has epistemology studies linking the so-called «psychology formative» stressing that the adoption of epistemological analysis on the formative curriculum in psychology may make it humanly epistemology note is added to the list of other humanities. 




How to Cite

Razouk, I. ., & Mahmoud, N. . . . (2016). Epistemology and its Reslation ship with psychology. Latakia University Journal - Arts and Humanities Sciences Series, 37(5). Retrieved from https://journal.tishreen.edu.sy/index.php/humlitr/article/view/1990