Intersubjectivity and It's Importance of Merleau-Ponty


  • Mohammad Farha
  • Batol mohhamad


 This paper discusses the concept of intersubjectivity and it's nature In the philosophy of Merleau-Ponty. Based on the study of the nature of the relationship with others and knowing him, In an effort to know the levels and its place in his philosophy, It is by showing the intellectual sources of his philosophy represented Aljsteltah school on the one hand, and the phenomenology of Husserl considered by most scholars largest contemporary philosophical stream on the other hand, Which had a significant impact on the existentialism Merleau-Ponty affected by Sartre, which tried to move the philosophical thinking of the research on the reality, From what is visible and touching, and surpassing the classic and traditional philosophical theories. This research seeks to interpret the meaning of the world according to Merleau-Ponty and its importance and mechanism of its knowing and existence, By reflecting the fact that participation with others, and the possibility of a law explains the relations between the world ego, ego third party, the third party in the world, And processes in an effort to highlight the renewal submitted by Merleau-Pontyon existential philosophy, To get there in the end, to a real understanding of the intersubjectivity, through the focusing on a new concepts of communication and dialogue and acceptance, choice and freedom, understanding and respect. In order to distinguish between intersubjectivity levels as the law that explains the nature of participation in the world that I live in it with others.




How to Cite

Farha, . . M. ., & mohhamad, B. . (2017). Intersubjectivity and It’s Importance of Merleau-Ponty. Latakia University Journal - Arts and Humanities Sciences Series, 39(3). Retrieved from