Adjacency imagery and text eloquence A reading in the metaphor of al-Mutanabbi


  • Hikmat Issa
  • Moustafa Nemer
  • Maisaa Madi



The adjacency and paratextuality relations  are different,  their images vary, and move according to their textual contexts related to the intellectual, social and political structures that create the new worlds for adjacent images, which are intended to enrich the text space and the diversity of its meanings.

Since the meanings of the words lie in their uses, the creative author makes choices of substitution in the selection of words derived from the attitude of the transfer of the meaning of the word from the lexical level to the level of composition and reference, ie, the deviation occurred between what is explicit in the metaphoric structure and what is implicit in the material given in the metaphor makes us replace the implicit in what is explicit to re-form the features of the poetic experiment in a composition that exposes the formation of the imagery material of the metaphor and the transition from the visual sense in its elements to the maximum abstraction.

This vision is a paradox of what some of the modern linguists from the palace of poetic images have come up with similar images. While others have pointed to the symbolic nature of the metaphor, which makes it a letter with an intensive referential energy. However, the study examines the poetry of metaphoric images in the form of Al-Mutanabbi  poetry showing the poetic performance and artistic expression of social life.



How to Cite

Issa, . H. ., Nemer , M. ., & Madi , M. . . (2018). Adjacency imagery and text eloquence A reading in the metaphor of al-Mutanabbi. Latakia University Journal - Arts and Humanities Sciences Series, 40(4). Retrieved from