The Male Flirtation in the Andolesian Poetry Ibn Al-buni as An example


  • Waffa Jumma



The poems of male flirtation formed a great part in the volume of poetry .

There were a lot of motivation that illuminated it's roots , and the most important types of these motives are the psychological and artistic motives that is represented in the love of some poets for slaves and fliratating of them . Some of the poets ran after beauty and embodying it where ever it was .

The social motive which contributed in pubuLarising and spreading it largely , Among different groups of Andolesian people . Ibn Al-buni was .

One of the most important poet who devoted most of his poems for that purpose .

Ibn Albuni " is slaves lover " as he was described by people in his time . He talked to us in his poems " The male " a bout real facts and lived events .



How to Cite

Jumma, W. . (2018). The Male Flirtation in the Andolesian Poetry Ibn Al-buni as An example. Latakia University Journal - Arts and Humanities Sciences Series, 40(5). Retrieved from