" Thomas. S. Kuhn's Development of The Concept of Causality


  • Imad Fawzi Shueibi
  • Ensaf Hamad
  • Manal Muhammad Khaleff



The research aims at highlighting Kuhn's approach to causal relation in physics through fact-finding the development of its notions, his analysis of the structure of science, revealing the difficulties of the wrong understanding of the concept of cause, and presenting two significant sides of causal relation. The first one contains the conceptual analysis of the term and the other has two concepts of causality, narrow and wide. To explain it, he presents four main Stages. Beginning with a phase called pre-paradigm, followed by the stage of Normal science, followed by the stage of crisis, which ends with the stage of scientific revolution. During these stages, He explains the development of the concept of cause from the narrow one to the wide one and how this development reflects on the explanatory standards that scientists adopt in every stage. Also, he displays the role of circumstances in presenting new understanding of phenomenon and their causal relations.  The research ends in clarifying Kuhn's real position on this relation.  The position that does not include refusing it, but correcting of the historical study track of causal relation.



How to Cite

Shueibi, I. F. ., Hamad, E. ., & Khaleff, M. M. . (2019). " Thomas. S. Kuhn’s Development of The Concept of Causality. Latakia University Journal - Arts and Humanities Sciences Series, 41(3). Retrieved from https://journal.tishreen.edu.sy/index.php/humlitr/article/view/8741