Modernism between Ideology and Knowledge


  • Burhan Almhlobi
  • Monzer Shbaneh
  • Roua Mahmoud


Modernity is a way of life and a pattern of new thinking that is achieved by overcoming the past, not by breaking with it, but by relying on it in its embers free from  ashes. Modernity is also the establishment of  a present that is the title of a future in which rationality prevails in thinking, leadership in governance and democracy in politics and society. Modernity is a case of a time evolution that allows the renewed status quo to express, in one form or another, the spirit of the age.





How to Cite

Almhlobi, B. ., Shbaneh, M. ., & Mahmoud , R. . (2019). Modernism between Ideology and Knowledge. Latakia University Journal - Arts and Humanities Sciences Series, 41(4). Retrieved from