"The Biological Social Revolution of Contemporary Human"


  • Iman Al-Saleh


This research is considered as a theoretical attempt, to know the aspects of biological evolution & it's reflect on the humanitarian philosophical side, specially which related to ethical & educational values

In this research we refer to the productive dialectical relation between human & nature, which is considered as an ethical process, based on active & effective participation with nature, to achieve the human being goals.

The man in general is considered as a main part of universal nature activity, which we try to show this process in being

Finally we try to know the effective position of human & his rule in cosmic that he belong to it, as an important goal of other humanity goals





How to Cite

Al-Saleh, I. . (2019). "The Biological Social Revolution of Contemporary Human". Latakia University Journal - Arts and Humanities Sciences Series, 41(4). Retrieved from https://journal.tishreen.edu.sy/index.php/humlitr/article/view/8928