aesthetic sensation of George Santayana The problematic


  • Ibrahim Al-Hussein


Beauty scholars differed about the aesthetic sense. Some argued that the aesthetic sense should be limited to those senses that are most capable of abstracting the image in their subjects, while others went on to say that all senses are equal in creating aesthetic experience.  In the past, there was a tendency to limit the cognitive sphere of beauty to certain physiological senses and to exclude other senses; however, Santayana  did not confine the aesthetic functions to the five senses and the three powers of the soul, but made man with all his powers and organs in general.  All things help the growth of life and harmony with existence, and thus not only aesthetic sense of a specific sense or form, but includes the senses combined, with Santayana emphasis on the forefront of the sense of sight and hearing on the other senses, because they relate to mental processes that transmit the sense of pleasure to an external subject  , A the  Caliber adopted by Santayana  in aesthetic pleasure to distinguish it from other pleasures and make it the foundation stone in the classification of aesthetic senses.





How to Cite

Ibrahim Al-Hussein. (2019). aesthetic sensation of George Santayana The problematic. Latakia University Journal - Arts and Humanities Sciences Series, 41(4). Retrieved from