Determination of the concentrations of some ions in groundwater for drinking purposes in Jableh plain


  • Tamim Alia
  • Adel Awad
  • Sharif Hayek
  • Rimaz Nasser



Groundwater is a reserve and strategic reservoir of stored fresh water، It is the most important source of drinking water in many countries of the world. Groundwater is exposed to many pollutants from a various sources. The most important of these sources are pollutants from agricultural and urban activities، which are now a global problem. The research aims to study  many  physical and chemical properties of groundwater in Jableh plain in Lattakia, by collecting samples of groundwater from the study area and measuring a number of physical and chemical parameters (temperature، turbidity، electrical conductivity ، pH ، fluoride، chloride، nitrates، nitrite and sulphates (.The results showed that temperature، conductivity، pH were within the allowed limits according to Syrian standards for drinking water. In contrast، the concentrations of some ions exceeded the allowed limits، such as nitrates,which it's concentration is  up to 177mg / l، Indicating that there are many factors cause contamination of these water sources with nitrate .


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How to Cite

Alia T, Awad A, Hayek S, Nasser R. Determination of the concentrations of some ions in groundwater for drinking purposes in Jableh plain. TUJ-BA [Internet]. 2018Dec.23 [cited 2025Mar.8];40(6). Available from: