Factors Affecting Mother's Satisfaction With Nursing Care Provided To their Children


  • Ezdehar Badoor Tishreen University


Satisfaction is defined as the sum of positive feelings that form among service recipients towards what is provided to them of health care services inside the hospital and until they leave it, which leads to their feeling of comfort and interest, and gives them confidence in the procedures followed, and thus the definition of deficiencies in the care services health and intervention is necessary to enhance the satisfaction of service recipients from patients and their families. Therefore, this research aims to study the factors affecting mothers' satisfaction with nursing care provided to their children residing in the Hospital in Lattakia, whether related to the demographic data of mothers (age, educational level, occupation, housing) or related to hospital data (length of stay in the hospital, frequency The visit to the hospital). Where the research sample included (200) mothers of children residing in the Department of Pediatrics in the aforementioned hospital for a period of at least 48 hours, and the data were collected by using a two-part questionnaire form developed by the researcher. The results showed that the highest percentage of mothers in the study, 66.5%, were satisfied with the nursing care provided to their children. It also showed that there are significant statistically significant differences (P = 0.043) between the average mothers' satisfaction according to the age variable in favor of women over the age of 40. It also showed that there are significant statistically significant (P = 0.001) among mothers' satisfaction averages according to the variable of hospital stay in favor of the duration of stay more  35 days, and accordingly it was suggested that the questionnaire document be adopted as a measure to study factors affecting mothers ’satisfaction with nursing care provided to their childer in the hospital.

Author Biography

Ezdehar Badoor, Tishreen University

Work supervisor - Department of Nursing Child Health - Faculty of Nursing



How to Cite

بدور ا. Factors Affecting Mother’s Satisfaction With Nursing Care Provided To their Children. Tuj-hlth [Internet]. 2021Oct.28 [cited 2024Sep.19];43(5). Available from: https://journal.tishreen.edu.sy/index.php/hlthscnc/article/view/11005