Tranexamic Acid for the reduction of blood loss in Primary Total Joint Arthroplasty. A comparative study.


  • Safwan Yousef Tishreen University
  • Ahmad Jouni Tishreen University
  • Ali Hayek Tishreen University


Background:  Total joint arthroplasty (TJA) remains one of the most successful orthopedic operations to relieve pain and improve function in patients with arthritis. TJA leads to excessive perioperative blood loss, which can result in anemia and blood transfusions.

Patients and Methods: A total of 116 patients underwent TJA was equally distributed to experimental and control groups.

Results: The experimental group was better in terms of the condition of the bandage (less than the seepage by 51.60. In addition, the mean hemoglobin after 24 hours of surgery was significantly higher in the TXA group than the control group by 13.61%. Also the TXA group was better in terms of transfusion during surgery (42.41% lower in terms of blood transfusion) reduced blood transfusion by more than a third. In addition, the group given TXA was lower in terms of average ranks and therefore better in terms of the amount of blood within the drain (less by 53.87%), that is, it reduced the amount of blood within the drain by more than half.

Conclusion:  The use of TXA, which is an anti-fibrinolytic, in total joint replacement surgery reduces perioperative blood loss, and thus reduces patients' need for blood transfusion, without an increase in thrombotic events following its use.

Author Biographies

Safwan Yousef, Tishreen University

Associate Professor, Department of surgery, Faculty of Medicine

Ahmad Jouni, Tishreen University

Professor, Department of surgery, Faculty of Medicine

Ali Hayek, Tishreen University

Master student, Department of surgery, Faculty of Medicine



How to Cite

يوسف ص, جوني أ, حايك ع. Tranexamic Acid for the reduction of blood loss in Primary Total Joint Arthroplasty. A comparative study. Tuj-hlth [Internet]. 2021Oct.28 [cited 2024Sep.18];43(5). Available from:

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