
This journal is not accepting submissions at this time.

Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).

  • I inclosed a request signed by me(all authers) and supervisor and head of the department and Faculty Dean
  • The submission file is in Microsoft Word. 2010
  • Abstract should be provided (220 to 250 words).
  • Refercens are written in english language with Vancouver Citing & Referencing (read terms of Publication)
  • It is important to mention the correct corresponding author with his/her email and full corresponding address ,otherwise the submission will be rejected.
  • I declare that I have obtained the consent of my participants in this research to send it to the Tishreen University Journal
  • I declare that I have informed the college administration and its affiliated entity to send this research to the Tishreen University Journal
  • Please attach a copy of the university council's decision to register the research
  • Add CV for all Authors

Author Guidelines

Submitted papers should meet the following terms:

  1. Submitted research must be new and should not have been published before or is not under consideration for publication by any other journal or conference at the same time; it should not have been rejected by any other journal or conference either.
  2. The researcher should attach with the copies of submitted research a form which must be filled in and signed by the researcher and certified and sealed by the head of the researcher's department. The form can be collected from the office of the journal or from its website on the Internet:
  3. The researcher must submit  the paper(by the journal site), one of which should be anonymous. They should be computer-typed on one side of A4 paper size. (The font used should be Simplified Arabic for research written in Arabic or Times New Roman for research written in English or French, size 12 and single space for the text, size 16 bold for the title, and 14 bold for subtitles. A three-centimeters margin should be left on both sides. Figures, tables and pictures should be electronically inserted in their place within the text). Number of pages should not exceed 20, including figures, tables, pictures and bibliography. Use of footnotes is accepted.

Submitted papers are anonymously refereed to determine their suitability for publication. Papers are not sent back to researchers whether accepted for publication or not.

  1. The paper should be compiled in the following order:

Title of paper; name, academic rank, and address of researcher; abstract; introduction spelling out the importance and objectives of the research; methodology and material; results and discussion; conclusions and recommendations; and references. The researcher must mention in the introduction (or in any appropriate place within the text) the place where the research was done and the period it took to accomplish.

      A sufficient abstract of about 100-150 words at most should be included in the language in which the paper is written (Arabic, English, French); and a sufficient abstract of about 100-150 words at most in Arabic if the paper is written in either English or French. The abstract must include the title of the paper as well as the name, academic rank, and address of the researcher. At the end of the abstract, a list of keywords should be provided. The two abstracts should be written on two separate sheets of paper and should precede the text of the paper.

  1. The first time a scientific term is mentioned in Arabic, it should be followed by its equivalent in English or French; afterwards it is sufficient to use the Arabic version only.
  2. Figures and pictures must be numbered and placed within small parentheses ( ) according to their order within the text; and their significance should be explained below the figures in Simplified Arabic, size 10 bold (Time New Romans, size 10 bold). The same applies to tables, except that their significance should be explained above the tables.
  3. In case the paper is accepted for publication in Tishreen University Journal, it should not be published elsewhere; and breach of this term would render the researcher legally accountable.
  4. References: Vancouver Citation please follow the link

References are placed on a separate sheet of paper at the end of the work and ordered in accordance with the serial number given when first cited in the text, or according to the alphabetical order of their authors' family names if the names are given within the text. Footnotes are supplied. The numbers given to references are placed between medium-sized brackets [ ], or references are written within the text as follows: (Hakim, 1975), (Brown, 1975), etc.

References are written as follows:

  • If the reference is a book written in a foreign language, its entry is arranged in this way:

   Author's family name in capital letters followed by a comma; initials of the first and middle names each followed by a full stop; (if the book has more than one author, their names are separated by a semicolon); the title of the book in italics followed by a comma; edition (second, third …) followed by a comma; publisher's name followed by a comma; place of publication followed by a comma; year of publication followed by a comma; and number of pages followed by a full stop. Example:

TODD, D. K. Groundwater Hydrology. 2nd ., John Willey & Sons, Inc New York & London, 1980, 508.

  • If the reference is written in Arabic, the entry follows the same order of a book written in a foreign language, and it must be rewrite in English after Arabic.
  • If the reference is a paper published in a journal in a Arabic language, the entry should follow this order:

Author 1, Author 2, Author 2, Author 4, et al. Title of article. Abbreviated title of journal. Date of publication YYYY Mon DD;volume number(issue number):page numbers. And must be rewritten in English. Examples:

  • هاني هاشم ودح. دراسة تحليلية لواجهات المباني المعمارية. مجلة جامعة تشرين للبحوث والدراسات العلمية -سلسلة العلوم الهندسية، 2005، 27(2)،171-186.

Wadah H. H., An analytical Study for the Elevations of the Architectural Buildings

. Tishreen University Journal-Engineering Sciences Series,, 2005, 27)2),171-186.(In Arabic)

  • عبد الكريم يعقوب. قراءة في معلّقة امرئ القيس، مجلة جامعة تشرين للبحوث والدراسات العلمية سلسلة الآداب والعلوم الانسانية، 2002، 24(17) ، 31-54.

Yaacoub, A. A Reading in Omro Alkais’s Muallaka , Tishreen University Journal-Arts and Humanities Sciences Series, 2002, 24(17) 31-54.(In Arabic)

  • يعقوب البيطار ، فاخر ميا، زكوان العبدو. مفهوم الرؤيا في النقد العربي المعاصر، مجلة جامعة تشرين للبحوث والدراسات العلمية سلسلة الآداب والعلوم الانسانية، 2007 ،29(2) ، 33-43.

Al-Bittar, Y. Maya, F. Al-Abdo, Z. The Concept of Vision in Contemporary Arabic Criticism, Tishreen University Journal-Arts and Humanities Sciences Series, 2007, 29(2) 33-43.(In Arabic)

  • If the reference is online, date of access and network address are added, with the date followed by a full stop and the address bracketed. Example:

   AUSTEN, J. Pride and Prejudice, ed. Henry Churchyard, 1996, 10 Sept. 1998. < >

* Published material expresses the writers' own views and does not necessarily reflect the views of the editorial board.

* Order of papers is subject to technical typing considerations.


All forms of correspondence should be addressed to:

Editor-in-Chief, Tishreen University Journal for Research and Scientific Studies, TISHREEN UNIVERSITY, Lattakia, SYRIA.

Telefax: 00963-41-2416370 E. Mail: