The Impact  Of  External Remittances On Economic Growth In Syria


  • Radwan Al-Ammar Tishreen University
  • Inas Hanna Tishreen University


The research aimed to identify the impact of external remittances on Syrian economic growth in the long and short term, during the time period from 1977-2018. The study started from the following two research questions:

  • What is the impact of external remittances on economic growth in the short term?
  • What is the effect of external remittances on economic growth in the long run?

And external transfers were considered as an independent variable, and economic growth as a dependent variable, and a controlling variable was introduced (public debt as a percentage of GDP), and annual data were used and the following tests were applied: ADF unit root test to test the stability of time series,. The study reached the most important results:

  • There is a positive and significant effect of external transfers on economic growth in the short term in Syria.
  • There is a positive impact of external transfers on long-term economic growth in Syria
  • There is no effect of government debt as a controlling variable in the short term on the relationship between external transfers and economic growth.
  • As government debt rises in the long run, the impact of external remittances on economic growth will increase.




Author Biographies

Radwan Al-Ammar, Tishreen University

Assisstant Professor - Department Of Financial And Banking Sciences 

Inas Hanna , Tishreen University

Postgraduate Student- Department Of Financial And Banking Sciences



How to Cite

العمار ر, حنا ا. The Impact  Of  External Remittances On Economic Growth In Syria. Tuj-econ [Internet]. 2022Jun.14 [cited 2025Mar.7];44(2):323-40. Available from: