The Effect of Digital Economy on Financial Sector Comparative Study


  • Anas Ali Damascus University
  • Mohammad Hamrah Damascus University


The research aims to analyze the relationship between the digital economy (Online Services Index, Telecommunications Infrastructure Index Human Capital Index) on the one hand as an independent variable, and the financial sector represented by the stock market and the banking sector on the other hand as a dependent variable. The research adopted the descriptive analytical approach to reach the results, as the results showed a significant impact of the digital economy indicators for both the communications infrastructure variable and the human capital variable on the financial sector in the long term in Lebanon, while the results did not show a significant impact of the digital economy indicators on the financial sector on the financial sector in the long term. Long term in Jordan.

In order to benefit from the results of the study in Syria, the research recommended the need to proceed with the digital transformation policy in order to advance on the ladder of the digital economy by devoting electronic trading in financial markets and electronic payment in commercial transactions.



How to Cite

علي أ., & محمد حمرة. (2024). The Effect of Digital Economy on Financial Sector Comparative Study. Tishreen University Journal- Economic and Legal Sciences Series, 46(2), 135–154. Retrieved from