Adaptive Neuro Fuzzy Prediction of Behavior of NSM Strengthened RC Beams


  • Issam Nasser Tishreen University
  • Bassam Hwaija Tishreen University
  • Tharaa Mubarek Tishreen University


strengthening – carbon Fiber – NSM – deflection - crack width - ANFIS .


The Near Surface Mounted (NSM) technique is a promising strengthening approach, though unpopular due to reliable serviceability prediction options. In this paper, a soft computing technique based on ANFIS is employed to predict the deflection and cracking behavior of NSM strengthened RC beams. The ANFIS results were compared with the experimental results and results of FIS, ANN approaches. The study indicated that the predicted deflection and crack width closely conform to the experimental results, which affirms the performance of the ANFIS model, this model demonstrated the superior predictive accuracy and capability of generalization over the fuzzy logic and artificial neural network (ANN) approaches

Author Biographies

Issam Nasser, Tishreen University

Professor, Department of  Structural Engineering, Faculty of Civil Engineering

Bassam Hwaija, Tishreen University

Professor, Department of  Structural Engineering, Faculty of Civil Engineering

Tharaa Mubarek, Tishreen University

Postgraduate Student , Department of  Structural Engineering, Faculty of  Civil Engineering, Tishreen University



How to Cite

ناصر ع, حويجة ب, مبارك ث. Adaptive Neuro Fuzzy Prediction of Behavior of NSM Strengthened RC Beams. Tuj-eng [Internet]. 2021Sep.21 [cited 2025Jan.22];43(4). Available from:

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