University staff submission

Professor, Editor-in-Chief of the Tishreen University Journal for Research and Scientific Studies


Name ............................................................          PhD (University Staff) department.........................................Faculty. ...........................................      University...................................................

Note that I have not submitted a request to defend the letter to date. Attach the original research with the title: .......................................................................................................................................................................................... ..........................................................................................................................................................................................

Please agree to publish it in the Tishreen University Journal for Research and Scientific Studies (I attach a link to a copy of the University Council's decision to register the research). And I declare after I have seen the conditions of publication that I have not and will not submit this research for publication to any other party inside or outside Syria, and it has not been previously refused to be published and not taken partially or wholly from any published source, and it has not been previously arbitrated and it has not been previously rejected for publication by any party and is not published in paper. Or electronically in any book, magazine, master's or doctoral dissertation inside or outside the country and that it has not been previously published in any language. I also undertake to abide by the arbitrators' notes and not to object to the outcome of the arbitration. I undertake that the data and information contained in this application are correct and at my own responsibility.تاريخ        /       /   

name                    Cell phone:


Signature                             email




The head of the department                               Dean of the college                                                      signature                                                          signature