Designing a Computer Simulation Model to Study the Failure Mechanism in Rotating Shaft


  • haya mohammad tishreen university
  • Mohamad Kheir Mohamad Tishreen University


عمود التوصيل , مروحة السفينة , شقوق التعب , نموذج رياضي , محاكاة, طريقة Euler , طريقة Rung-Kutta , Matlab .


The phenomenon of the failure of rotating mechanical structures is considered one of the dangerous phenomena that researchers are trying to study to find effective ways to avoid it. Many mathematical models describing the mechanism of crack formation in structures and the occurrence of failure in them have been adopted . In this paper, a computer simulation model of the failure mechanism in the intermediate conduction shaft of the ship's propeller (oil shuttle tanker) was designed based on the mathematical model that describes the stages of failure according to the number of revolutions that the shaft bears and the dimensions of fatigue cracks in it.  In the beginning, the differential equations that express the failure of the column were deduced, then a numerical simulation was carried out using the numerical Euler method in solving ordinary differential equations, and the numerical simulation was carried out using the numerical Rung-Kutta method also to obtain higher accuracy in the results, and then it was programmed in Matlab language and therefore by testing the results and the resulting graphs, it is possible to predict the number of cycles that the column will bear before the failure , this would avoid sudden failure  and save time, effort, and costs.



How to Cite

محمد ه, محمد خير محمد. Designing a Computer Simulation Model to Study the Failure Mechanism in Rotating Shaft. Tuj-eng [Internet]. 2023Apr.11 [cited 2025Mar.7];45(1):391-40. Available from: