Assessment the application of control infectious diseases procedures among preschool children by teachers' views in Kindergartens, Lattakia


  • layal hamze Tishreen University


The current study aimed to assess the application of control infectious diseases procedures among preschool children by teachers' views in Kindergartens, Lattakia. It was conducted in six kindergartens between 04/02/3202 and 06/03/3202, on an available sample of 37 male and female teachers, and data was collected using a questionnaire. It consists of: The first part includes demographic information, and the second part includes infection control procedures in kindergartens.

The results showed that infection control procedures were being applied for: fever, diarrhea, chickenpox, and coronavirus, and that the procedures used to control infectious diseases among kindergarten children had a good level of application among teachers. Therefore, it is recommended to design educational programs that include teaching the procedures used to control infectious diseases among kindergarten children, and to enhance the role of the media and social media in publicize health awareness.




How to Cite

حمزي ل. Assessment the application of control infectious diseases procedures among preschool children by teachers’ views in Kindergartens, Lattakia. Tuj-hlth [Internet]. 2024Jun.6 [cited 2024Jun.30];46(2):27-39. Available from: