Astudy of the effect of Sagital malocclusion at Class I and Class II on Facial Asymmetry at the Frontal Plane for a Sample of Patients Using Computed Tomography (CT)


  • فادي خليل


The asymmetric face is common so this increased interest in it. There are different ways to assess the asymmetry. Computed tomography is an accurate way that enable the examiner to read the face in three planes of space, and present three-dimensional information on the cranial mandibular Complex, whereas (3D) analysis is essential for making a precise diagnosis of craniofacial morphology. This research aimed to study the asymmetry in cases with sagittal malocclusions (Class I and  Class II) using CT. The research sample consisted of 40 CT image (16 males and 24 females), their ages ranged between 18 and 35 years old and did not receive any orthodontic treatment before. The sample was divided into two groups according to the malocclusion pattern (21 Class I and 19 Class II). T student test was performed for all the data obtained. This study showed that there are significant differences in the measurements used in this study between right and left in both class I and class II malocclusion subgroups




How to Cite

خليل ف. Astudy of the effect of Sagital malocclusion at Class I and Class II on Facial Asymmetry at the Frontal Plane for a Sample of Patients Using Computed Tomography (CT). Tuj-hlth [Internet]. 2018Nov.4 [cited 2024Jun.1];40(3). Available from:

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