Spatial variation of mortality rates in Latakia Governorate


  • Hanadi Makhlouf Tishreen University
  • Ghaitha Zawan Tishreen University


Mortality is considered one of the biometric factors affecting population growth, along with births and migration. It is also a major factor in developing future policies and health programs, so that it forms a basis for developing visions of future life.The world and its various countries have witnessed a decline in death levels in the modern era as a result of cultural, social and economic progress. This research will attempt to shed light on the levels of deaths and future expectations for them in Latakia Governorate, especially after 2011 due to the conditions and war that our beloved country, Syria, is experiencing through a set of indicators such as the death rate. Crude infant mortality rate using time series sequence charts to develop a future outlook on mortality.



How to Cite

مخلوف ه., & غيثاء زوان. (2024). Spatial variation of mortality rates in Latakia Governorate. Latakia University Journal - Arts and Humanities Sciences Series, 46(5), 63–79. Retrieved from

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