Comparison of some biochemical properties of two marine fish species Euthynnus alletteratus and Siganus rivulatus in Syrian marine waters


  • Mouina Badran Tishreen University
  • Sheiam Sulaeman Tishreen University
  • Basma Ghanem Tishreen University


In this research, we compared the protein, fat, ash and  moisture ratio of the two fish species Euthynnus alletteratus and Siganus rivulatus during the spring, summer, and autumn seasons of  2019  and winter of 2020, In order to give an idea of the nutritional value of the two species studied as being of the economically desirable species  because of their availability and cheap price, to study the seasonal and gender effects on the chemical composition of meat.

The results showed a very close levels of moisture and ash to the tow species, where the moisture was 70.2-80.71% for S. rivulatus , while for E. alletteratus was between 73.36-78.66%, and ash was 1.23-2.8% in  S. rivulatus and 1.2-2.04% in E. alletteratus. The fat was noticeably different where it was 2.98-4.4% in S. rivulatus  and 0.7-2.1% in E. Alletteratus, and protein was 19.25-16.275% between S. rivulatus  and between 25.21-19.57% in E. Alletteratus.

Author Biographies

Mouina Badran, Tishreen University

Assistant Professor, Dept of Marine biology at HIMR

Sheiam Sulaeman, Tishreen University

Assistant Professor, Dept of food science  at faculty of Agriculture

Basma Ghanem, Tishreen University

Master Student , Dept of Marine biology at HIMR



How to Cite

بدران م. ., سليمان ش. ., & غانم ب. . . (2020). Comparison of some biochemical properties of two marine fish species Euthynnus alletteratus and Siganus rivulatus in Syrian marine waters. Latakia University Journal -Biological Sciences Series, 42(5). Retrieved from

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