The Effect Of The Quality Of Loan Portfolios On The Financial Performance Of Commercial Banks (Applied Study On A Sample Of Private Syrian Commercial Banks)


  • Rami Mohammad Tishreen University
  • Safwan Arous Tishreen University


This study aims to study the quality of the stock portfolio and financial performance on this page, and the quality on the corresponding page from (2011 - 2019), representing the variable with the quality of the loan portfolio and its financing through (loan portfolio returns, provision for loan impairment), and the financial dependent variable and it was measured from Return (return on assets, return on equity).

The financial return, the value of the financial, the public finance, the financial portfolios, the financial portfolios, the preservation of the securities, the financial, the financial, the financial, the financial, the financial, the governorate, the Syrian Arab Bank, the Bank of Syria, the Bank of Syria , International Transfer Bank, Byblos Bank Syria on financial performance (return on assets), and it was found that there is an effect on the quality of loan portfolios, Bank Audi Syria, Bank Audi Financial, Bank Audi Bank, French Credit Portfolio (returns on loan portfolios), International Bank for Trade and Finance, Byblos Bank Syria, financial performance (return on ownership), and it was found that there is a good financial impact, loan portfolios, represented by (the provision for declining loans) to assets), Byblos Bank Syria, Bemo Saudi Fransi Bank, Syria Arab Bank, Syria Bank, Bank International Trade and Finance, Byblos Bank, Syria, financial performance (return on assets) indicates the existence of an impact on the loan portfolio law (allocation for loan impairment) in Egypt, Syrian and Syrian return, and Mdlj on financial performance (return on equity), while declining Loans (Provision for loan impairment) In Syria Bank, Bemo Saudi Fransi Bank, International Bank for Trade and Finance, Byblos Bank Syria on financial performance (return on equity).




Author Biographies

Rami Mohammad, Tishreen University

Associate Professor, Department Of Business Administration

Safwan Arous, Tishreen University

 Postgraduate Student (Master) - Department Of Business Administration 



How to Cite

محمد ر, عروس ص. The Effect Of The Quality Of Loan Portfolios On The Financial Performance Of Commercial Banks (Applied Study On A Sample Of Private Syrian Commercial Banks). Tuj-econ [Internet]. 2022Jun.14 [cited 2025Jan.28];44(2):341-79. Available from:

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