The morphological significance of the participle noun in the poetry of Abu Firas Al-Hamdani


  • Safwan Salloum Tishreen University
  • Kenana Ahmed Tishreen University


The subject's name is derived from the various derivatives of the Arabic language, which plays an active role in performing the desired meaning, and conveying it to the recipient, by carrying different connotations that vary according to the context. and molded it from the triple and from above the triple, Then the research moved to study the morphological significance of the subject name from the triple, through several branches: (indicating occurrence, time, ratio, becoming, effectivity), and then the morphological significance of the subject name from above the triple that came in (transcendence, multiplication, participation, and accrual). , request and question).

The research ended with a conclusion that included a summary of the results of the research, and proven with sources and references.

Author Biographies

Safwan Salloum, Tishreen University

Assistant Professor in the Department of Arabic Language, Faculty of Arts and Human Sciences

Kenana Ahmed, Tishreen University

ostgraduate Student (Masters), Department of Arabic Language, Faculty of Arts and Human Sciences



How to Cite

سلوم . ص. ., & أحمد ك. . . (2022). The morphological significance of the participle noun in the poetry of Abu Firas Al-Hamdani. Tishreen University Journal- Arts and Humanities Sciences Series, 44(1), 377–393. Retrieved from