Epistemological knowledge when Karl Popper


  • Maisaa Hamadan
  • Ragdaa Nassor
  • Aasha Kadouna


 The purpose of this study is to monitor the reality of life skills in the schools of basic education, in terms of the extent to which the students of the fifth grade in the ability to solve the problems of life, social interaction, and the possession of the types of environmental health skills. To achieve this, use descriptive and analytical approach, and re-test of Life Skills, where he was sure his sincerity and persistence, and included three axes. Distributed test on a sample of students in the fifth grade totaling 200 pupils. The findings from the study that the research sample has a life skills grade average, equal to the premise level (2.5); Which (60%) and therefore there is no difference between the average of the calculated estimates of the students about a pivotal test (over the ability to solve problems of life, owning environmental health skills) and between Mediterranean premise for them. While The results indicated that there is a statistically significant difference between the mean estimates of pupils about the ability of social interaction. The search is over a set of conclusions and proposals as necessary attention to the development of life skills for students of basic education when presented in the curriculum.




How to Cite

Hamadan, M. ., Nassor, R. ., & Kadouna, A. . (2017). Epistemological knowledge when Karl Popper. Latakia University Journal - Arts and Humanities Sciences Series, 39(1). Retrieved from https://journal.tishreen.edu.sy/index.php/humlitr/article/view/2635