شعر الشكوى من السجن "في العصر الأمويّ"


  • عبد الكريم يعقوب
  • علي عبد الله


يجد الباحثون, أن أهم موضوع جديد تميز به شعر الصعاليك الأمويين من شعر الصعاليك الجاهليين هو وصف السجون وحياتها, وإنما جدّ هذا الموضوع على أشعارهم؛ لأن حيواتهم اختلفت عن حيوات سابقيهم من الصعاليك الجاهليين الذين كانوا يعيشون في مجتمع قبلي لا حكومة له, ولا سلطان لأحد على أحد فيه, أما الصعاليك الأمويون, فعاشوا في مجتمع تحكمه دولة لها قوانينها, وقواعدها, ولها نفوذها المبسوط على سكانها, ومواطنيها, كما أصبح من واجبها أن تحافظ على الناس, وترعى أمورهم, وتحقق لهم الأمن, والطمأنينة, في مختلف أنحاء حياتهم, فهي المسؤولة عنهم, وهي التي كان عليها أن تتعقّب كل مفسد, وقاتل, وتنزل به العقاب, فالسجن نتاج حضارة جديدة, رافق انتقال الإنسان من حالة البداوة إلى المدنية المنظمة, وليس من اليسير نقل الإنسان من البداوة, وما تحمله من قيم ومفاهيم, وتجارب شعورية  إلى المدنية؛ لأن هذا يترافق مع تغير علاقة الإنسان بالأشياء من حوله, بل تركه لأشياء قد اعتاد عليها وألفها, واعتماده على أشياء جديدة يحتاج إلى زمن كي يألفها. إن الصعلوك مضطر إلى ترك الخيمة, و الاحتماء في منزل من الحجر الأصم و الطين, أصبح بينه و بين الآخر جدار, و باب موصد, أصبح محاصراً في مكان محدود بعد أن كانت الفلاة مكانه, كان يخاف الوحوش من ذئاب و سباع وضباع, و أضحى خلف الباب الموصد يخشى المجهول, ولم يعد قادراً على تحديد موضع خوفه, فإذا كان البيت مأمن الإنسان مثيراً لمشاعر من الضيق و الخوف الذي رافق التحول, فكيف يكون أثر السجن في نفس اعتادت الانطلاق, وشعرت بأنها تملك الكون! لا شك في كونه يولد الإبداع, خاصة إذا ما كان سجناً قاهراً, فيه أشد أنواع التعذيب, مما لا يقوى على احتماله أعتى الرجال, ومن ثمّ  يأخذ السجن دوره الفعال في تطهير المجرمين من آثامهم، وتقويم سلوكهم بما يتناسب مع القيم الاجتماعية من ناحية, ومن ناحية أخرى يثري الألم والشدة, والظلم, والقهر, عناصر التجربة الشعرية, ويفجر اللغة بطاقة مستمدة من العجز الجسدي كي تعوض نقص الشاعر, وينطلق فيها إلى رحاب جديدة.

Researchers do believe that the most important new topic which clearly distinguished the poetry of the Omayyad Sa'aleek(have-nots) from that of the Pre-Islamic ones, was the description of jails and their conditions In fact, this topic began to appear in their poems because the life of the Omayyad Sa'aleek significantly differed from that of the Pre-Islamic ones who genuinely lived in tribal community where no government existed at all; and similarly, no one had any authority whatsoever over other.

Contrary to that, the Omayyad Sa'aleek moved in an organized society that had a formal government of its own controlled by strict laws conventions, norms and regulations. It, also, exercised full authority on its citizens and subjects. This new phenomenon made the matter highly and exceptionally necessary for the communal government to protect its citizens, provide peace and security for them and take care of their personal affairs in their different life styles. The new communal government was to be held totally responsible to pursue killers and wrong- doers, bring them to custody and inflict just and proper penalties on them.

It was natural from now on that going to prison became the outcome of a new civilization which coincided with the change of man's life from simple nomadic Bedouinism into complicated and organized urbanism.

It was in no way easy to abruptly change into urban life, thus turning one's back and for ever to Bedouinism, its values' ideologies and immeasurably rich emotional experience. This was specially true because it had largely to do with the change of man's relationship with his surroundings and his abandonment of too many things with which he lived quite familiarly and harmoniously. Moreover, his new style of living mainly depended on various matters that required a considerable amount of time with which to have got acclamatized.

The Sa'alieek, under different pressures, were obliged to step out of their tents and live in fortified stone houses thus separated from other fellow men by high walls and closed doors. They were, thereby, sadly confined to limited spaces instead of infinite open deserts. In the wide open deserts, they were horrified by wild animals, like wolves, hyenas and lions. In a word, they were utterly unable to identify their fear. In fact, one's home, which was as place of security and peace of mind, always provocated feelings of fear and worry that accompanied change, so the influence of jail of on souls which roamed continuously in open spaces strongly feeling that the whole universe was theirs, was unbelieveably tremendous.

This new experience, no doubt, generated creativity, specially when jails were so horrible and physical torture was beyond tolerance. Hence, jails purged criminals and wrong-doers and corrected    their behavior in a way that turned to be quite suitable to new social  values, on one hand, and on the other, enriched feelings of pain, distress, depression and unjustice which were the right and true elements

Of poetic experience. This, also, charged the language with a great capacity derived from body weakness as a demonstrative means of compensation by which the Sa'aleek were able to set off toward new  and more spacious and more inviting horizons.





How to Cite

يعقوب ع. ا., & عبد الله ع. (2019). شعر الشكوى من السجن "في العصر الأمويّ". Latakia University Journal - Arts and Humanities Sciences Series, 24(1). Retrieved from https://journal.tishreen.edu.sy/index.php/humlitr/article/view/7951

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