The Concept of Death in Mamdouh Udwan's Anthology"A Jump in the Air"


  • Talal Hasan



This piece of research examines the concept of death in MamdouhUdwan's final poetical anthology "A Jump in the Air", and manifests that this concept is attractive since it appears in a large number of poems that exceeds its appearance in his early works. It concludes with the poet's chronic suffering from disease, and his parallesitic feeling of helplessness, faint, and the ominous death that altogether underlies such a phenomenon.

It is feasible to observe two forms of the death image: first, that death is a mere inevitable end that is unescapable—thus the poet relinquishes with no objection, second, that death is a mere transformation—and this is an insight that visualizes the understanding of those who believe in the transference of the soul from one human being into another up until it purges and ascends to where is initially descended form.

Vying for crystallization, this paper presents supportive appropriate poetical proofs in addition to a few philosophers' viewpoints as well as it endeavours to analyze and scrutinize them quite precisely




How to Cite

Hasan, T. . . (2019). The Concept of Death in Mamdouh Udwan’s Anthology"A Jump in the Air". Latakia University Journal - Arts and Humanities Sciences Series, 41(3). Retrieved from