The genotyping of human leukocyte antigens C (HLA-C) in psoriasis patients.


  • Rana Ahmad Tishreen University
  • Haissam Yazigi Tishreen University
  • Faisal Redwan Tishreen University
  • Fouz Hassan Tishreen University


Background: Psoriasis is a complex skin disease with a genetic immunological background, with the dominance of MHC region genes as one of a group of factors that intervene in the pathogenetic mechanism and predict therapeutic response.

Aim: To identify human leukocyte antigen C alleles in psoriasis patients compared to healthy individuals.

Materials and Methods: Fifty psoriasis patients with or without arthritis were compared with thirty people without psoriasis and without a family history of psoriasis. They were randomly selected and considered as controls. Their HLA-C alleles were determined by PCR-SSP.

Results: Out of 50 chronic psoriasis patients; the number was 13 male patients (26%) and 37 female patients (74%), with the average age of the patients being 40.42±17.62 years. There were 30 control cases, including 12 male patients (40%) and 18 female patients (60%), with an average age of 40.42 ± 17.62 years. A positive family history was recorded in 18.7% of the patients. 74% of psoriasis cases were of the early type, with a mean age of disease onset of 29.04±15.6 years. The most common clinical phenotype was plaque psoriasis diagnosed in 80% of cases, followed by pustular psoriasis and guttate psoriasis; 12% and 8%, respectively. 24 of 50 patients (48%) had mild disease according to the PASI score. The HLA-C*06 allele was more common in psoriasis patients compared to the control group (42% in the patients' group, 16.7% in the control group with a statistically significant difference (p-value = 0.02), with a higher risk of developing psoriasis (odds ratios OR [CI95%] = 3.6[1.1-11.01]), while *03 was considered a protective allele against psoriasis.

Conclusion: The importance of the HLA-C*06 allele as a primary risk factor for psoriasis in the Syrian population has been noted. Therefore, early genotyping of patients’ first- or second-degree relatives is recommended to detect its presence in them and apply preventive measures that limit the early appearance of the disease.



How to Cite

احمد ر, هيثم يازجي, فيصل رضوان, فوز حسن. The genotyping of human leukocyte antigens C (HLA-C) in psoriasis patients. . Tuj-hlth [Internet]. 2024Aug.22 [cited 2024Sep.1];46(3):205-1. Available from:

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