The degree of availability of mathematical bonding skills. ( A field study on a sample of mathematics teachers. in the city of Latakia)


  • Somar Borghol Tishreen University


The aim of the research is to fintd out the degree of availability of Mathematical Coherence skills among teachers mathematics in the city of lattakia in the first semcster of the academic year (2020)CE.

The research used direct observation as atool to verify the Mathematical Coherence skills of teachers mathematics. He identified Four grades (larqe-medium- weal, anolvery). The seale (4-3-2-1) was determined for these scerses. Respetively. The positivistic approoch was used forits suibility for the purposes of the research, as the namber of  sample memeers was (28) teachers, the research   , the research resulted  in the availability of Mathematical Coherence skills among teachers  to amederate degree the research presented anunrbers of  proposals that contribute to achieving the Mathematical Coherence skills  of teachers of mathematics.

Author Biography

Somar Borghol, Tishreen University

Assistant Professor, Faculty of Education , Department of Curriculum and Teaching Methods



How to Cite

برغل س. . (2021). The degree of availability of mathematical bonding skills. ( A field study on a sample of mathematics teachers. in the city of Latakia). Latakia University Journal - Arts and Humanities Sciences Series, 43(4). Retrieved from