Numerical Algorithm for Solving Volterra-Fredholm Integro-Differential Equations


  • Suliman M. Mahmood Tishreen University
  • Sami Injrou Tishreen University
  • Hasan N. Daher Tishreen University


In this paper, we present a numerical algorithm for solving linear integro differential Volterra-Friedholm equations by using spline polynomials of degree ninth with six collocation points. The Fredholm-Volterra equation is converted into a system of first-order linear differential equations, which is solved by applying polynomials and their derivatives with collocation points. The convergence of the proposed method is demonstrated when it is applied to above problem. To test the effectiveness and accuracy of this method, two test problems were resolved where comparisons could be used with other results taken from recent references to the high resolution provided by spline approximations.


Author Biographies

Suliman M. Mahmood, Tishreen University

Professor - Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Sciences

Sami Injrou, Tishreen University

Associated Professor - Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Sciences

Hasan N. Daher, Tishreen University

Postgraduate Student (PhD), Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Sciences



How to Cite

محمود سم, انجرو س, ضاهر حن. Numerical Algorithm for Solving Volterra-Fredholm Integro-Differential Equations. TUJ-BA [Internet]. 2020Dec.7 [cited 2024Jun.14];42(5). Available from:

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