Management by Values at the Faculty of Physical Education in Tishreen University from the Point of View of Faculty Members


  • Qassem Ibrahim
  • Wael Mowad
  • Soraj Dayoub
  • Majed Jamal


This study aimed to identify the degree of management practice values in the Faculty of Physical Education in Tishreen University from the point of view of the members of the teaching staff. It also aimed to find out the significance of differences between the mean scores of the evaluations of the members of the teaching staff in the Faculty of Physical Education in Tishreen University to practice for management by values at level
(α ≤ 0.05), which are attributed to the study variables (gender, academic grade). For achieving the study aims, the researchers used the descriptive approach in the survey method, Where the study population consists of faculty members in the Faculty of Physical Education in Tishreen University and their number (24) member, while the sample of the study amounted to (20) members. Among the most important results is that the degree of practicing management by values ​​in the Faculty of Physical Education from the viewpoint of faculty members is located at the intermediate level. The statistical data was processed by using the statistical program (SPSS). 



How to Cite

ابراهيم ق, معوض و, ديوب س, جمل م. Management by Values at the Faculty of Physical Education in Tishreen University from the Point of View of Faculty Members. Tuj-hlth [Internet]. 2020Aug.1 [cited 2024Jun.1];42(3). Available from:

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